Businesses are complex. Family businesses are even more complex – family dynamics add an additional element that other businesses just don’t have. Family businesses need an advisor trained in human capital and family dynamics. Family Enterprise Advisors work, in a collaborative manner, with the family and its multidisciplinary network of business consultants and service professionals to address this additional element in order to maximize business success and the family enterprise legacy.
Using a discovery process, an FEA identifies the unique issues within the family enterprise, then works with the family to develop and implement customized processes and strategies to optimize the business while preserving the family’s values and legacy. These issues could include communication, succession, transition, family dynamics, ownership, clarification of roles and positions, and the development of the enterprise goals as a family.
FEA’s understand the distinctive challenges of family enterprises. Each family is unique, and each family has a wealth of human capital ready to be accessed. The heart of FEA advising is to support the growth, success and continuity of the family’s enterprise